Posted on 2/28/2022

Many of us forget that our vehicles start due to the power provided by the car battery. As modern cars become more heavily reliant on technology-driven accessories, your battery has to supply more energy. On average, a car battery can last anyone between 3 to 5 years. Below are some of the signs that indicate your battery may be ready for a replacement: Problem with car starts - If you find that your battery constantly has to recharge and jump start your car, it may be time for a new battery. You can't depend on the cables forever as it could leave you completely stranded. Flickering/dimming lights - A common sign of a weakened battery is that the lights inside and outside of your vehicle appear dim. Electrical dashboard light on - Some cars have a special dashboard indicator that will signal you when there is something wrong with one or more of your electrical components. Whenever you see it come on, you should have your battery tested. Corrosion - Physical signs of dete ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2022

The transition into the cold winter season is here, and (if you haven't already), you should start making changes to your car to ensure it remains safe and reliable throughout the winter. As you may know, maintenance and auto repairs need to be performed throughout the year, especially in the colder months. Winter brings about many challenges including, unbearably low temperatures, snowy/icy conditions, weak car batteries, and poor tire traction. To help combat these obstacles, you should follow the steps below to prepare your car for the season: Check Your Tires: Before you head out on the cold, open road, you should check your tire tread to ensure they can give you proper traction. If they're running low, it's best to have your tires replaced. Furthermore, you should check tire air pressure frequently, as the air in your tires usually contracts due to the cold. Running on low tire pressure can wear down your tires prematurely. Test Your Battery: The frigid tempera ... read more