Posted on 4/26/2023
It is often wet during Spring, meaning driving is risky. To drive safely during Spring, you should ensure you properly maintain your vehicle. The following tips should help you take care of your car during the Spring: Spring Cleaning Spring cleaning is not only for your house, it is for your car too. As the ice thaws, a lot of the dirt that accumulated in your car over winter starts to show. A spring cleaning will give your car the aesthetic you want while making it easy to maintain it. Replace The Fluids Fluids solidify during winter, meaning you have to add various elements to make them flow better. These elements are unnecessary during Spring, so replacing the fluids in your car is mandatory. The steering, brake, and washer fluids should all be changed. Also, change the oil and coolant so your engine cools properly. Keep The Battery Running Winter's cold harms a car's battery which is why it will sometimes fail to start. To care for your car during spring, you should r ... read more