Posted on 5/30/2024

Have you ever been in a situation where your car's engine just doesn't seem to be running right? Maybe it's misfiring, or perhaps you've noticed a drop in power and fuel efficiency. These could be signs of a failing ignition coil, an essential component in your vehicle's ignition system. Understanding the symptoms of a failing ignition coil can save you from bigger, more expensive problems. These are the key signs that indicate your car's ignition coil might be on its way out. Common Symptoms of a Failing Ignition Coil Engine Misfires and Stalling One of the most common signs of a bad ignition coil is engine misfires. If you notice that your engine is sputtering or if your car is stalling unexpectedly, the ignition coil could be to blame. When the coil fails to deliver enough voltage to the spark plugs, the combustion process gets interrupted, leading to misfires and stalls. Check Engine Light Is your Check Engine light on? This is often on ... read more