Posted on 11/30/2021

Fuel injectors are an important part of your car's engine since they aid fuel combustion. If you don't maintain or repair the fuel injectors regularly, your car will probably experience fuel combustion issues. You need to consult with experts at our trusted maintenance and repair shop for regular engine maintenance to prevent issues such as fuel injector defects. So What Are Fuel Injectors? Fuel injectors infuse fuel or gas in the manifold. As the components enter the manifold, they mix and get compressed into the combustion chamber, igniting a reaction to power the engine. Injectors were invented to replace old carburetor systems since they help engines run with better fuel efficiency and reduce fuel emissions. Read on to know some tell-tale signs your car's fuel injectors have gone bad. Stalled Engine If your engine turns off instantly, it could be because the fuel from the fuel injectors may be blocked from reaching t ... read more